Source code for impscan.conda_meta.async_utils

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from functools import partial

from aiostream import stream
from httpx import AsyncClient, Response

from .formats import CondaArchive

__all__ = ["fetch", "process_archive", "async_fetch_urlset", "fetch_urls"]

[docs]async def fetch(session: AsyncClient, url: str, can_raise: bool = False) -> Response: response = await session.get(url) if can_raise: response.raise_for_status() return response
[docs]async def process_archive(resp: Response, lst: list[CondaArchive], pbar=None): # Map the response back to the CondaArchive it came from in the package listings archive = next(a for a in lst if a.url == resp.url) # raise NotImplementedError # breakpoint here # Save the archive for inflating later (using multiprocessing on entire listing) archive.frozen_archive = await resp.aread() print({resp.url: resp}) if pbar: pbar.update()
[docs]async def async_fetch_urlset(urls, archives: list[CondaArchive], pbar=None): async with AsyncClient() as session: ws = stream.repeat(session) xs =, stream.iterate(urls)) ys = stream.starmap( xs, fetch, ordered=False, task_limit=20 ) # 30 is similar IDK process = partial(process_archive, lst=archives, pbar=pbar) zs =, process) return await zs
def fetch_archives(archives: list[CondaArchive], pbar=None): print("----------------- Fetching archives -------------------") urlset = map(lambda a: a.url, archives) # regenerate with map return, archives, pbar))