Source code for impscan.db.generate_db

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from functools import partial
from sys import stderr
from tarfile import TarError
from typing import Generator
from zipfile import BadZipFile

from httpx import ConnectTimeout, ProtocolError

from ..assets import _dir_path as store_path
from ..conda_meta.async_utils import fetch_archives
from ..conda_meta.formats import CondaArchive
from ..share import batch_multiprocess_with_return
from .db_utils import CondaPackageDB
from .version_utils import sort_package_json_by_version

__all__ = ["populate_conda_package_db"]

class CondaSearchJson:
    filename = "conda_listings.json"
    dir_path = store_path

    def path(self):
        return self.dir_path / self.filename

    def __init__(self, start_from_pkg: str | None = None):
        self.start_from_pkg = start_from_pkg
        if not self.path.exists():
            raise NotImplementedError  # TODO issue #13
        with open(self.path, "r") as f:
            self.json = json.load(f)  # less than a GB in memory
        # self.package_list = [*self.json][:10]
        self.package_list = [k for k in self.json if k == "tqdm"]
        if start_from_pkg:
            pkg_start_i = self.package_list.index(start_from_pkg) - 1
            self.package_list = self.package_list[pkg_start_i:]

    def generate_package_urls(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        for package in self.package_list:
            # print(f"{package=}")
            archive_listings = sort_package_json_by_version(self.json[package])
            suffcheck = partial(check_listings_suffix, lst=archive_listings)
            if any(suffcheck(suffix=".conda")):
                most_recent_archive = next(suffcheck(suffix=".conda"))
            elif any(suffcheck(suffix=".tar.bz2")):
                most_recent_archive = next(suffcheck(suffix=".tar.bz2"))
                print(f"No .conda or .tar.bz2 archives for {package=}", file=stderr)
            yield most_recent_archive["url"]

[docs]class CondaArchiveListings: """ Synchronous listings, using `CondaStream` to efficiently look at conda archives. """ def __init__(self, start_from_pkg: str | None = None): self.search_json = CondaSearchJson(start_from_pkg=start_from_pkg) self.db = CondaPackageDB() # creates a new database if not existing self.archives = self.make_archives(defer_pull=True) self.fetch_archives() # for a in self.archives: # try: # e = a.parse_to_db_entry() # db.insert_entry(**e) # except (FileNotFoundError, BadZipFile, TarError) as err: # print(err, file=stderr) @property def urlset(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: "Generator of URLs for async fetching" return self.search_json.generate_package_urls()
[docs] def make_archive(self, source_url: str, defer_pull: bool = True) -> CondaArchive: "Create CondaArchive object; includes channel and format detection" return CondaArchive(source_url=source_url, defer_pull=defer_pull)
[docs] def make_archives(self, defer_pull: bool = True): """ Make and return a list of CondaArchive objects and pull their URLs collectively in an efficient async procedure (not seriallly). """ return [ self.make_archive( source_url=url, defer_pull=defer_pull, ) for url in self.urlset ]
[docs] def fetch_archives(self, verbose: bool = False, n_retries: int = 3): # (Retries due to httpx client bug documented in issue 6 of beeb issue tracker) # REVIEW: Does this retry all or just one? Resolves the timeout bug # regardless for i in range(n_retries): try: fetch_archives(self.archives) except (ConnectTimeout, ProtocolError) as e: # ProtocolError as e: print(f"Error occurred {e}, retrying", file=stderr) if i == n_retries - 1: raise # Persisted after all retries, so throw it, don't proceed # Otherwise retry, connection was terminated due to httpx bug else: break # exit the for loop if it succeeds
# self.inflate_all_archives(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def inflate_all_archives(self, show_progress: bool = False): inflatable_list = [ partial(s.inflate_archive, return_archives=True) for s in self.archives ] # Batch the soup parsing on all cores then sort to regain chronological order all_inflated_archives = sorted( batch_multiprocess_with_return( inflatable_list, show_progress=show_progress, tqdm_desc="Inflating archives...", ), # what key ? # key=lambda b: b[0].time, ) for s, b in zip(self.archives, all_scheduled_broadcasts): s.broadcasts = b
def check_listings_suffix(lst: list[dict], suffix: str) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: return (d for d in lst if d["fn"].endswith(suffix))