Source code for impscan.scanner.module_utils

import sys
from pathlib import Path

__all__ = ["stdlib_module_names", "stdlib_dynload_module_names"]

[docs]def stdlib_module_names() -> set: """ Get the path to the standard library by using the `sys.modules` list, specifically the filepath stored for a non-builtin library (pathlib), and use this path to detect all standard library module names rather than hard-code them. Return a set of all the modules in the standard library. """ stdlib_path = Path(sys.modules["pathlib"].__file__).parent stdlib_modules = set(sys.builtin_module_names) for p in stdlib_path.iterdir(): if p.is_dir(): module = else: if p.suffix != ".py": continue module = p.stem if "-" in module: continue stdlib_modules.add(module) dynload_modules = stdlib_dynload_module_names(stdlib_path) return stdlib_modules.union(dynload_modules)
[docs]def stdlib_dynload_module_names(stdlib_path: Path) -> set: """ Given the path to the standard library, extend it to the `lib-dynload/` directory, collect the module names of all dynamic libraries within it. Return a set of all the modules loaded dynamically in the standard library. """ if sys.platform in ["linux", "darwin"]: dynload_path = stdlib_path / "lib-dynload" else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: ship list of stdlib modules for Windows") if not dynload_path.exists() and dynload_path.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("This is not the lib-dynload you are looking for") dynload_module_names = {".")[0] for d in dynload_path.iterdir() if d.suffix == ".so" } return dynload_module_names